Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Double Digits!

What is baby up to at 10 weeks?

  • Your baby is now the size of a prune
  •  He/she has small indentations on their legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and his/her tiny arms even have elbows that bend 
10 weeks with Oliver
10 weeks with #3







....still no noticeable bump this week


How is mama doing?

What I am eating: Jello, bananas, soup, popsicles, candy, string cheese, and powerade

Fitness: We went on a few 1 and 2 mile walks this week.

Weight Gain: -3 I am currently 94.2lbs

Movement: Nothing yet!

Looking Forward To: Feeling better...

Update on "morning sickness" 
  • Still having on and off all day nauseous that is the worst late afternoon/night
  • The actual getting sick has slowed down this week I probably only got sick 3 or so times!  Improvement!
  • Still having trouble gaining weight 
  • My doctor recommended BOOST nutritional drink to me I will probably buy some the next time I go to the grocery store


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