Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 7


What is baby up to at 7 weeks?

  • Your baby is about the size of a blueberry and about 10,000 times bigger than she was at conception!
  • Most of the growth this week is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute
  • Your baby's mouth and tongue are forming  

7 weeks with Oliver
7 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: Or lack thereof ... I am still sitting at 95.6 

Fitness: My fitness is non existent since my morning sickness hit. Except for going on a 4 mile walk for Matt's work last Friday which by the end of I thought I might pass out.

Cravings: Nothing! I have been chewing on a lot of ice chips and drinking a lot of ginger ale which sometimes helps with my nausea.

  • Potty Breaks: Getting up to use the bathroom 1-2 times a night
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Breasts
  • Weird taste in my mouth  

Update on Nausea and Vomiting: This week has been a little better I have been able eat small amounts of food each day and I can keep it down 70% of the time. But I still am having all day nausea... and if I nap when the boys are napping I will wake up and need to throw up 9 times out of 10. Not fun!

Looking Forward To: Our FIRST ultrasound THIS morning! :)  Also, visiting family this weekend! Though, I am EXTREMELY nervous about traveling 4+ hours in the car with my morning sickness...

Week Goals: Try to drink more water to keep from getting dehydrated and rest as much as possible

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