Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 14

What is baby up to at 14 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a lemon according to The Bump
  • About 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces
  • The baby can suck its thumb this week and wiggle their little toes

14 weeks with Oliver
14 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

What I am eating: Bagels, cinnamon buns, cheerios, avocados, cheese, and soup

Fitness: Between chasing after our two toddlers and packing for the beach I haven't had too much time to exercise this week though the boys are a work out in themselves!

Weight Gain: I am back up to what I was right before getting pregnant (96.0 lbs). If I can gain about a pound a week from here on out I will be right around 120lbs when we give birth which will a healthy weight gain during pregnancy. Since I started "underweight" I should gain around 25 to 35lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Still fitting in my size 23 shorts though I did wear my maternity leggings earlier this week and I didn't want to take them off ... I always forget how comfortable maternity clothes are!!! I think in my weekly pregnancy picture with Oliver (on the left) I am wearing maternity pants already.

Craving: Candy, avocado, and lemonade 

Movement: DEFINITE jabs this week! I absolutely love this part about being pregnant well until the jabs get painful! :)

Looking Forward To: Spending a week away at the beach with our family!

Update on "Morning Sickness"

I think it is safe to say I am past the morning sickness phase! There are still some times if I go too long with out eating or something just doesn't agree with me I will get nauseous but for the most part I feel like we have moved on to the next chapter of this pregnancy. YAY!!! Though, now that that is gone I have been getting pretty annoying headaches ...

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