Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 15


What is Baby Up to at 15 Weeks?

  • He or she is about the size of an navel orange this week
  • Weighing about 2 1/2 to 3 ounces and measuring 4.5 inches long
  • Their ears have migrated to the sides of their head, and eyes are moving to the front of their face according to What to Expect.
15 weeks pregnant with Oliver
15 weeks pregnant with #3












Wearing the same shirt I wore when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Oliver! Not as big obviously... ;) 

37 weeks pregnant with Oliver

How is Mama Feeling? 

Weight Gain: I have no idea since we are on vacation. We have an OB appointment on Tuesday and will get an official update then. But most likely between half a pound and a pound.

What I am eating: Donuts, bagels, string cheese, turkey sandwiches, grapes, bananas, and crab ... lots and lots of crab!

Fitness: 1 to 2 mile family walks in the morning along with a few walks on the beach

Maternity Clothes: Not bottoms but some tanks tops

Craving: Chocolate and pickles!

Heartburn: Is not nearly as bad this week 

Movement: Same as last week random jabs in the morning and at night when I am sitting still the most and can focus on them.

Looking Forward To: Our 16 week OB appointment/ultrasound on Tuesday!


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