Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 19

What is Baby Up To At 19 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of a mango - or about 6 inches long and about 8.5 ounces
  • He is developing a protective coating over his skin, call vernix caseosa
  • Hair is sprouting!


Aruba January 2011
Rehoboth Beach Sept. 2013

Definitely carrying differently this pregnancy these were both taken around 19 weeks.

How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: +3 pounds putting me at 99.6 lbs
Exercise: 1 to 2 mile walks almost every morning while the weather is still nice!
Craving: Just food in general (baby boy is definitely growing)
Eating: String cheese, carrots, chocolate ice cream, soup, and candy
Maternity clothes: Still just maternity leggings the pants don't stay up yet

  • Tired: Going to bed around 9/930
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down
  • Stuffy Nose: Especially in the morning
  • Movement: Feeling random kicks through out the day now!
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday

What I love: Everything about being pregnant! The belly, the movement, almost being at the halfway mark. I know everyone says this but time really does fly after your first pregnancy. I feel like this one is going even faster than Oliver's went!
Looking Forward To: Our 20 week ultrasound in 6 days!

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