Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 20: Halfway There

What is Baby Up To At 20 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of a banana- or about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.6 ounces
  • This week the baby has working taste buds
  • He is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day according to The Bump
20 weeks with Oliver
20 weeks with baby boy #3

How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 100.2lbs. With a grand total of 4 pounds at the halfway mark of this pregnancy but 5 pounds according the doctors scale. The "normal" range to gain during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant is between 5-10lbs.
Exercise: Not too much this week
Craving: Nothing really, I have been having to eat several small meals a day. If I eat too much my stomach actually hurts and gets really hard.
Eating: Bagels, chocolate milk, turkey sandwiches, salads, string cheese, crab soup, and cheerios
Maternity clothes: Some maternity tops with regular bottoms during the day. Usually, by night time I switch to maternity leggings because they are so comfortable!

  • Tired: Back to napping during the boys nap time most days this week
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating mostly anything
  • Stuffy Nose: Especially in the morning
  • Movement: Kicks!!! He is very, very active in there. I even caught one of his smaller kicks on video this week.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday
  • Headaches: Small annoying headaches that last most of the day. Ughhh
  • Pressure: A few times a day, I feel a lot of pressure around my c-section scar. I asked my doctor about it yesterday and she told me according to my ultrasound baby boy is breech and that he is just stretching his legs around that area. If it hurts, I should try to walk around and get him to switch positions. 

What I love: BEING HALF WAY!!!! Well, technically we were half way last week since we are getting a csection a week before my due date. But still... I can't believe it... Let the countDOWN begin!

Looking Forward To: Enjoying 19 more weeks of being pregnant! 

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