Is absolutely non existent until my postpartum appointment on March 11th. Even then, I probably won't be doing much. I don't really have any "baby weight" to lose since I am 100lbs which is just three pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight. I feel like my body needs those few pounds for breastfeeding so I am not trying to loose them anytime soon.
I snack all day long on anything and everything. Usually these are my go to's:
Luna bars, bananas, almonds, cereal, candy, popsicles, oatmeal, sandwiches, pretzels and peanut butter.
I am exhausted and definitely overwhelmed at times, but life is also just really, really great right now. We are loving being a new family of FIVE!
We will get Trent's official stats on Friday but on his newborn scale at home says he is about 8lbs 8oz. We think he will be about 9lbs at his one month check up which is up 3 lbs since birth!
- Clothes: He can squeeze into some newborns sleepers but the days are numbered. We put him in mainly 0-3 month size onesies at this point.
- Diapers: Still newborn but they are getting tight so we are going to switch him to size 1.
Breastfeeding takes up most of my day (and night)! Trent likes to eat every 1.5-2 hours during the day and every 2.5-3 hours during the night. The longest stretch he has gone to date is 4 hours. I have been pumping once in the morning so I have a big freezer stash. Matt and I have not introduced the bottle yet but we might soon, in hopes to get one long stretch of sleep at night. Hopefully he takes it!
Trent is not the best sleeper though his schedule is becoming a little more predictable. He usually nurses at night around these times: 8pm, 10pm, 12am, 2am, 5am. Luckily he goes right back to sleep after each feeding, even though he gets up very often. After his 5am/6am feeding he stays up for 45min- an hour, then he naps until he is hungry again. He has another awake period around 4pm-5pm when I am trying to get dinner ready, but usually he just looks around being adorable.
I am pretty sure we have another "mamas boy" on our hands. He loves being held which is mostly my fault since I held him a lot his first two weeks home. Trent sleeps best on my chest which makes it impossible to get any house work done. I occasionally wrap him in my solly wrap to sweep or make lunch for the boys if he is being fussy then usually he falls right to sleep.
One heck of a Daddy:
A lot of people tell me they don't know how I do it. Well the answer is simple... I have an amazing husband who loves being a Daddy! Matt has been my cheerleader, my support, my best friend, my rock since the day I met him. I couldn't do what I do without his constant help. When he gets home from work he takes over, cleans up from dinner, entertains the boys, changes numerous diapers and does not forget to tell me I am beautiful and I am a great Mommy every single day!
Since Trent was born Landon has been very in love with his littlest brother and requests to kiss and hold him multiple times an hour a day. Oliver is very much interested in Trent too, but not nearly to the extent Landon is. He really doesn't like when Trent cries. Oliver gets this nervous look on his face and says "done, done" ha ha I wish was that easy Oliver...
First Times:
Trent's first snow |
Trent's first Valentine's day |
The day Trent turned 4 weeks old my older sister Elise came home to meet him! |
I feel so blessed to be the mother to three beautiful little boys-- they warm my heart everyday. I can't wait to watch them grow up together and be there for each other. For now, I hope time slows down a little because they are growing up too fast!
One Month Facts:
Weight: 8lbs 8oz?
Height: 21 inches
Weight: 8lbs 8oz?
Height: 21 inches
Umbilical cord: Fell off on day 11
Clothing Size: Newborn, 0-3 Month
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Thick, light brown and stick straight
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, being woken up by his brothers screaming, tummy time
Likes: Sleeping on chests, eating, boppy lounger pillow, swinging
Clothing Size: Newborn, 0-3 Month
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Thick, light brown and stick straight
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, being woken up by his brothers screaming, tummy time
Likes: Sleeping on chests, eating, boppy lounger pillow, swinging
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