Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eight Months

Trent is EIGHT months old! As for his weight, he weighed 19lbs., 2 oz. today.

Breastfeeding: Trent is still breastfed, his schedule for eight months looks a lot like it did last month. He still nurses 6-8 times a day and has solids about two times a day. I did buy a nursing necklace this month and it seems to have helped prevent him getting distracted while eating. Whenever I can, I take him to his room and feed him where it is quite and the lights are dim. Trent always eats the best there. If you are interested in buying a nursing necklace, I posted a link to the one I bought in my last post. 

Naps: Morning nap is usually around 8am, afternoon nap is around 12pm and for a week or so Trent stopped napping in the late afternoon (4pm). Trent then came down with his first cold and started sleeping in the late afternoon again. His bedtime is always 7pm and most nights wakes up to eat anywhere from 1230-3am and Trent wakes up around 6am for the day. He has given me a few nights this month of no wake ups-- which I obviously love! 

New This Month with Trent:

Trent is full on CRAWLING! He started crawling at 7 months and now he is a little speedster. Once something catches his eye that he wants, he will army crawl as fast as he can to get it before his brothers have a chance! Oliver also was an army crawler until about 8 months, so I am sure Trent will start crawling on all fours soon.  

Another new thing is Trent has been enjoying standing more. I have caught him a few times trying to pull up on furniture or stairs. 

Personality: Trent sure is a cuddly sweetheart! He loves attention, but once he gets it he gets shy and buries his head into my chest. Recently, he has stood his ground when it comes to his big brothers taking toys or if they are playing with something he wants, he will even try to grab it and shriek at them! It so funny. 

Spinach, mango, and pear popsicle 

Side Facts for Eight Months:

  • Loves the shower, open spaces to crawl and roll, empty water bottles, MAM paci, nursing necklace, Zoli cup
  • Dislikes: Still doesn't love the carseat but has gotten so much better, getting his face wiped, bibs
  • Trent can now say: MAMA, DADA, and BABA
Trent's hair is blonde. His eyes are blue. He wears some 9-12 month and fits in some 12-18 month clothes.

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