Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Trimester Eats

My all day nausea has luckily turned a corner to just evening nausea and I am starting to (finally) feel a little more like my old self. 

On an average day this is what I eat: 

11 weeks 3 days pregnant

6am Breakfast: 

I usually feel a little nauseous first thing in the morning before I get food in my stomach. I quickly go downstairs and heat up some vans frozen pancakes, make some egg whites, with a side of strawberries. Every morning I drink some blue powerade or water, I have not been able to stomach coffee since about 5 weeks pregnant.  I also take my prenatal vitamin, calcium, and baby aspirin at this time. 

*I was able to eat one pancake, half the egg whites and all the strawberries. 

9am Morning Snack: Clif Kid Zbar with some water.

11am Lunch: Turkey (from the deli at Whole Foods) and cheese on whole wheat bread with some lemonade. 

1pm Snack: 

Half a chocolate chip cookie before feeling sick 

5pm Dinner: Chipotle I had a craving for it! No meat (though I would usually get their chicken), brown rice, black beans, corn, a little cheese, a lot of lettuce and a lot of guacamole  YUM! I was only able to eat half at 5pm, but ate a little more a few hours later with some water when I felt a little better.


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