Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anatomy Scan (19 weeks 1 day)

This morning was our 20 week scan. According to their scale my weight was 98.7lbs., up 3 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago (my doctor had no comment on my weight which I take as a good sign.) My blood pressure was 100/57 which is also good! Rose was in there kicking away, probably the most active any of our children have ever been during an ultrasound we watched her yawn and touch her face a bunch. Her heart rate was 157bpm and she weighed a healthy 10 ounces according to our doctor she is in the 57% for weight. Trent weighed 13 ounces at his 20 week scan Overall Rose measured one day ahead at 19 weeks 2 days for her measurements.  Sadly, the doctor we saw today said it was "too early" to schedule our c-section date, but at my next appt. on June 9th we can and it will most likely be September 30th! Also, we didn't have our normal ultrasound tech the one we had today was nice, but she didn't seem to be as knowledgeable of the ultrasound machine and wasn't able to give us any good pictures. Luckily, I just had an elective ultrasound on Mother's day (thanks again Matt) so we just saw Rose and got some great pictures or else I would have been pretty disappointed.

Here is one of Rose's profile:

All four of our babies at their 20 weeks scans:

Not sure why she is the opposite way of her brothers

and thumbs up near the end!

I will be updating next week in our new house! Have a wonderful weekend! 

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