Rose's two month update can be found here
Trent's three month update can be found here
Breastfeeding: Rose is still exclusively breastfeeding on demand and I am hoping to make it past a year. As of now, she still nurses around 8 to 10 times a day. Rose refuses the bottle, when we try to give it to her she gags/throws up. This is really hard on everyone, especially me, because this means I can't leave her for more than an hour or so. Rose also won't take any pacifiers all three of our boys loved their pacifiers so this is new for Matt and me. Hopefully, we can keep offering both the bottle and the paci and eventually she will take one. If not, this is going to be a long 9+ months.
Personality: Rose is the most smiley in the morning. After looking back at Trent's three month post, he was the same way! I love waking up to a happy baby! It is so strange, but Rose still likes when her brothers are misbehaving-- we always look over to see a big grin on her face. Haha! Since birth, she loves being cuddled by me, the closer the better. She is a sweet girl, our Rose.
Brothers: Landon loves babies-- this is a fact! We could be out to dinner or running errands, if Landon sees a baby, he immediately points them out to me and declares them adorable. Because of this, Rose gets complemented on her cuteness by Landon daily, along with hundreds of hand kisses. As for Trent, he is still very protective over Rose, he doesn't like when Landon or Oliver holds her. When Trent is holding Rose, he gives dirty looks to his brothers-- it is really hilarious. He loves to kiss her gently and stroke her hair too. It is beyond sweet! Oliver is the most distant towards Rose. He isn't mean to her by any means, but Oliver doesn't smother her the way the other two do.
Giving a dirty look to his brothers.. |
First Thanksgiving with Rose! More pictures from this past month: |
Weight:12lbs 2oz
Height: Unknown
Clothing Size: 3-6 Month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown, straight, thinning in the front, thickest in the the back
Dislikes Pacifiers and bottles
Likes: Sleeping, showers/baths with mommy, being wrapped in my Solly wrap
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